lunes, 28 de septiembre de 2015

How to lose weight without dieting?

Dieting is not as bad as you might think. Anyhow, if you have previously been on a diet without succeeding you do not have to worry much about it. The truth is there are better ways to lose weight than dieting. On the other hand, exercising can help you to remain fit by building muscle, though exercising is not compulsory either. 

Tips to lose weight without dieting

Reduce the size of your plate
Most American portions are too big. By reducing the size of your daily portions you can reduce the overall amount of food served at the end of the day, something that can help you to start having less calories. Likewise, if a smaller portion spoon is used  it is possible you get served a smaller amount of food. Over several months it will translate in much less food and consequently an important weight loss.

Weight yourself
One clever proposal is stepping on the scale each day to weigh yourself and keep your pounds under control. You must weigh yourself at the same time of the day. Do it for seven days and record your weight in a notebook. Totaling the number and dividing it by seven will result in your typical (and very accurate) weight over a seven days span. This final figure can be the starting point of your weight loss program.

Maintain a Food Dairy
Writing down what you eat every day actually makes you aware of how much you eat and keeps you informed about what you are actually eating. It is among the most significant things you can do to control your weight. It just takes a few minutes and in exchange you will get valuable information about your eating habits.

Get enough sleep
Have you ever notice that when you feel tired you end up having much more food? Science backs your observation: different studies show that people not getting enough sleep tend to eat more. In particular, people getting less than the seven hours of recommended sleep have a higher risk of being overweight. The reason behind this fact is an increase in your body of a protein called leptin, responsible for suppressing your appetite. 

Have a bigger breakfast
Have a hefty on protein breakfast daily and you will be able to command your hunger along the day. For breakfast consider yogurt, eggs or peanut butter. Make sure you have little snacks near you to be eaten between meals.

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